We believe the Church is built on the foundation of God’s revealed Word with Jesus Christ being the central focus. In an ever-changing world, we seek to be a people that bend our lives to the Bible. God’s word is without error and never changing. It reveals everything necessary to live in relationship with God and how to honor God with our lives. We seek to be a people growing in our knowledge of God’s word and more importantly applying it to our everyday life.
Vision Sunday is a special service where we cast the vision for the ministry year at Tab and reflect on all that God has already done! We celebrate God's faithfulness and share testimonies of how lives have been transformed. As we look forward to what’s next, we’ll explore how we can continue to live 'above the noise' and focus on the purpose God has set before us.
Experience the power of abiding with God in a new and personal way. We will reflect on Jesus’ presence in our lives, especially during life’s most challenging moments. Together, we will ponder some profound questions about faith, trust, and where God is when our circumstances can seem overwhelming. Through scripture, prayer, and a reflective discussion, we’ll explore what it means to remain in Him as He remains in us.
The gift of Jesus's birth is a gift that keeps on giving. As God entered into creation He made a way for humanity to experience a taste of heaven on earth. The prophets declared what we've come to know about the Messiah. Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace. Let's experience a taste of heaven on earth as the gift of the Messiah is celebrated around the world.
Jesus talks about money more than any other single topic! Don’t worry, Jesus isn’t interested in “getting your money” but He does understand that our money has a profound way of capturing our heart. The love of money creates heartstrings that pull us away from a prosperous life by encumbering us to the systems of this world. When we leverage our money through a lifestyle of generosity, we experience freedom in our finances and power over the strings that easily entrap our heart.
Following Jesus doesn't exempt us from the troubles of life. Troubles come in a variety of ways from national pandemics to inner anguish that others don't see. The Old Testament book of Jeremiah makes an astonishing claim, the power of God is evident through His promise to work out all things for good. God sees everything from His bird's eye view.
This summer we will delve deep into the core values that define our church. Core values are essential to our identity as a church; they guide our mission, shape our community and direct our actions. Understanding and living out these values allows us to effectively reach the people of Hampton Roads, helping them to discover their story in the context of God's global purpose. Our core values are not just statements, but are commitments that empower us to push through the boundaries as we share God's story from Norfolk to the nations!
Being a witness starts with listening. People often hide behind masks, but when we truly listen to understand their hearts, the Holy Spirit opens doors for genuine conversations. As we listen, we share our experiences of Jesus' love and truth. Whether it's offering a prayer or sharing how Jesus has brought peace and purpose into our lives, we become witnesses to His transformative power. Every day is a mission trip, and the world around us is ripe with opportunities in all of our immediate surroundings - our homes, our neighborhoods, our workplaces, our schools, and our social circles.
As followers of Jesus Christ, our primary mission is to make disciples of all nations, a command given to us by Jesus Himself in the Great Commission. This mission is not merely a suggestion but a divine mandate that requires our active participation. We are called to go out into the world, intentionally pursuing people and inviting them to become disciples of Jesus. This involves not just the acquisition of knowledge but the practical application of God's Word in our lives. Our goal as disciples is to increasingly reflect the life of Jesus through our actions and decisions.
Our desire is to be a church defined by our common pursuit of Jesus. If we get that right, we can embrace our other differences and reflect the reality of heaven on earth! For this to become the mark of our church then we must agree on who Jesus is and what it means for us to follow Him. Through this sermon series, we will further pursue the question of “Who Jesus is” and “What it is He came to do?” We’ll do that by going through the Gospel of Mark which is a unique account of Jesus’s life and ministry.
As we wrap up the year, Edy Herrera leads us in a message of gratitude and why we should be pondering and treasuring things up in our hearts. What has God done in 2023 for you and what will you treasure up in 2024? Don't be accidental but intentional in your life and relationship with God.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed or under-qualified? The truth is we all have. Every year as I reorient myself with the Christmas story I'm stunned by the unusual lot of characters God pulls together to make His scene! Some must have felt overwhelmed, others under-qualified, but the scene that comes together on the first Christmas night brings forth a host of angels declaring: glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those whom He favors (Luke 2:14)! God knows how to Make A Scene!
We can easily disconnect the Trinity from the Old Testament but when we do we miss something important: God’s intent has always been to dwell among His people! To be physically, visibly, and inseparably present with His creation! God made His desire to dwell among us evident through appearances of Christ in the Old Testament.
Who is Jesus? There may not be a simpler yet complex question. How did we get from the Jesus of history to the Jesus of Scripture? How do we bridge the gap between the Jesus of Scripture and our personal Lord? How can Jesus followers be so different? The gospels culminate in the death and resurrection of Jesus, but there is something about the man, how he lived His life, that is meant to be known. There are myths that we need to know too. Jesus isn’t who we want Him to be; the One who is is the One we need.
We’ve all likely experienced the feeling of missing out on something big and it’s not fun! The fear of missing out isn’t new, that’s exactly the feeling of Jesus followers in the ancient city of Thessaloniki in the 1st Century. Join us as we explore the Letters to the Thessalonians and discover how our anticipation of the future shades our life choices today!
If salvation is a gift does that mean anything goes? That's not the narrative represented in Scripture. The New Testament ethic in response to God's grace takes the Old Testament standard and turns it into a Yes- And! Not to earn God's favor but in response to God's love in Christ. Join in over the next several weeks as we consider some of the key behaviors that define the community of faith.
Who doesn’t like the idea of a fresh start? The resurrection is God’s personal invitation that He’s the God of fresh starts! Even when we find ourselves stuck in shame and guilt. Join us for a 4 week series as we take a close look at God’s process for starting fresh!
Failure stings. The more public the failure, the deeper the wound. Surrounding the Easter story are the personal stories of shame and restoration in the lives of the disciples. None more detailed than the shame and restoration in the life of Peter. Bold and brazen declarations gave way to multiple denials and 3 out of the mouth of Peter. Jesus knew the path ahead, the pain He would endure, and the resurrection awaiting on the other side. Denials would not be a disqualifier. Resurrection makes way for restoration! Easter is an invitation to starting fresh.
What does justice look like from God’s perspective? We see the impact of injustice all around us on matters such as race, the unborn, immigration, and more. God is not silent on these issues and does bring forth justice. Over the next 5 weeks, we’ll learn from the Old Testament story of Habakkuk and see justice from God’s perspective. It will inevitably stretch us all.
What would it look like for revival to occur? For God to extend an opportunity to experience Him afresh? The story of God consistently demonstrates His desire to do a fresh work in His people. It’s when we open our lives to God’s purpose that we experience vibrancy and renewed life. True life that is derived from the Spirit not the temporary circumstances of life. The Word + Repentance + Worship = Revival
We are kicking off 2023 with an online exclusive service featuring a special Tidewater landmark! Happy New Year from Tab Church!
We seek the significance of Christmas in many ways. The gifts we exchange, the traditions we hold, or the effort to see those we love, all point to the significance of Christmas. Beyond the tangible, the significance of Christmas is in celebrating God's solution to the divine dilemma. Sin created an impasse of no earthly solution. God resolved the dilemma the only way possible- God came down to earth!
Tab Church Youth Director, Ben Hilton shares with us about the “I AM” statements in John. It’s the unchanging character of God that anchors our thankfulness!
God created us in His image. We all are equal in His eyes. We all have the same state of coming into this world through birth and leaving this world through death, but the middle might be different. Depending on how we live our life, however, not all of us experience life the same way. And for some people, life is about keeping score with others. Those people would do whatever it takes to put themselves ahead of others, including God. The Lord reminds His disciples of the eternal reality of those who do not trust Him in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
There's more to life than meets the eye. Our physical world intersects with an unseen realm that is no less reality! What is the nature of the spiritual realm and its impact on our lives? Join in for The Upside Down, a 5-week series of messages, as we discuss topics like the nature of spiritual warfare, victory in Jesus, Satan and his schemes, and our role in engaging the spiritual battle.
The next door isn't always the door we planned for…so many of life's defining moments are totally unexpected. Predictability can be great, yet it is often the unexpected doors that advance God's story! Join in for a 5-week series on the unexpected doors that initiated the early church as we gain clarity for the unexpected in our lives.
The local church is an expression of the creativity of God. No two are exactly alike and that's worth celebrating! At Tab, we believe God is doing something unique. Not better or worse, just distinct! Join in for a 5-week series as we consider the guiding principles that make us distinct. These are the values we hold as core in shaping our culture and defining the people we aspire to be!
The word “sex” makes some blush and others cringe. It’s the topic that everyone’s talking about and no one’s talking about. How can something so vital to God’s design be left exclusively to the world to define? Tucked in the Old Testament is an anthology of poems comprising God’s wisdom on the pleasure and power of sex within God’s design. Join us for a 6-week series on The Song of Songs to hear God’s version of the talk!
We live in a world with ever-increasing efficiency but extra time seems so hard to come by! Is this the way life is supposed to be? Do we even have a choice? Breathing room isn’t just a good idea, it’s a God idea. Join us for a 5 week series as we explore Biblical principles of making room for what matters most!
Jesus is alive and the reality of the resurrection changes everything! We celebrate the risen Lord but it's not only that Jesus is risen, He reigns! The resurrection was a doorway to God revealing His glory through Jesus. What does it mean that Jesus has stepped into His glory? We'll unpack that in the series “Glory Awaits”. See for yourself, it's better than great!
Questioning the cross? Can we even do that? Whether we come to the cross skeptically or as one going all out in the faith, join us as we consider crucial questions to strengthen our faith. Is the cross historical? What actually happened? Did Jesus really die? These are a few of the questions we'll consider over the next 5 weeks leading up to Easter Sunday.
Those who name Christ today do so in acknowledgment of the faith. We often talk about faith as a verb, but Scripture also talks about the faith that was delivered to the saints once and for all. Jesus Christ proclaimed who He was and what He came to accomplish. What does it look like to contend for the purity of the faith? Who's responsibility would that be anyway? We’ll seek answers to these very questions in this series as we look at the powerful truth in the tiny book of Jude!
Most sayings of Jesus are easy to agree with. They could even make really great bumper stickers. “Love your neighbor”, “You are the salt and light of the world”, but occasionally, like a speed bump out of nowhere, Jesus says something that leaves us saying, “Jesus say what?!” Join us for a 5 week series where we explore some of the more unusual sayings of Jesus.
The start of a new year is a great time to dream big! “What if” questions are a great place to begin. “What if” God did something extraordinary in 2022? What if we took it a step further and said “why not!” Now that is a posture of faith that expects a work of God. Join in for this two part miniseries as we dream big moving into the new year!
We’ve all felt the anticipation that comes from waiting on a big gift! Christmas is a celebration of the greatest gift imaginable, God’s only Son. A gift that great required advance notice! Join us for a 4 part series as we look at God’s advance notice in anticipation of the gift of His Son.
We've all experienced those seasons when God seems to go off the grid! We're dialing up prayers but the line seems to be disconnected… The Book of Esther is a surprising book mostly for what it doesn't contain. Not even once is God mentioned! It might seem like God is nowhere to be seen but every step of the way he's working through regular people to bring about an extraordinary plan! Join us for this 6 week series as we look at the powerful story of Esther.
Most everyone has a scar or two that tells a story. Poor childhood decisions or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Other scars aren't noticeable, but there's still a story. These scars are like baggage that we'd rather not claim. But what if our baggage could be claimed and reframed by God? Join us for a new series as we consider God's story through our scars!
We aspire to be a people that leave a radical mark on this world for the glory and honor of our great God! As a church family, we desire to challenge one another to Go All Out for God in 4 key disciplines: Worship, Community, Serving, and Generosity. This isn’t an exhaustive list of Christian disciplines, but 4 key disciplines that will put us on a pathway to engaging God’s mission and impacting the world for Christ!
At Tab Church we believe God is doing a distinct work in our midst! Over the next several weeks, we’ll be looking at some of our Core Values that help define this distinct work and who we aspire to be as a people. Join in as we consider the guiding principles that support our mission to share God’s story from Norfolk to the nations!
Humanity has always wrestled with the source of our identity. Take a quick look online or listen to conversations in the classroom or workplace, and we can hear that a lot of confusion exists today regarding humanities real I.D. Over the next several weeks we’ll humbly engage the conversation while reflecting on what it means to be made in the image of God.
There are numerous approaches one could take in laying a foundation and framework for our lives. What does it really look like to have a foundation and framework built on the gospel? A sure foundation and framework that’s stands up to the uncertainties of this world! Join us for The Blueprint as we discover this answer through the heart of Romans.
The pursuit of truth seems to be an increasingly complex task in a world of mixed messages and polarizing opinions. Jesus declared that ultimate truth wasn’t a concept but a person. Truth was personified in Jesus, his salvific work, and his command that those who would pursue truth, pursue him. Join us for this pivotal series through the letter of 1 John as we recalibrate to the truth and the impact it makes for our cultural moment.
Sometimes our best-made plans take a dramatic detour that we never saw coming. While this can be frustrating, we can trust that God always has our best interests in mind. Scripture testifies that when God re-routes our plans, it’s always with a purpose in mind.
In the Christmas narrative, we see people who went all out in response to God’s Great News. And, they experienced the Savior’s birth in some rather remarkable ways. In this series, we're going to look at how we can go all-out to be a part of God's great story this Christmas.
The decisions we make have real consequences. Over the next five weeks, we'll be looking at the Book of Daniel. We'll examine Daniel's life to learn how he consistently made good choices in a not so great situation.
Choosing to forgive when others fail isn't easy. However, holding a grudge influences those around us negatively, while forgiveness refreshes the soul and unifies the community of faith. In this series, we'll learn how to navigate the hard path to forgiveness.
There were pivotal moments in Jesus' life. Conversations during these moments demonstrate Jesus' relationship with God the Father, and they have the power to shape our relationship with God. These are "Crucial Conversations.
In this series, we’re going to be looking at some of the critical areas in life and considering what the Bible says about how we win spiritually in those key areas. We'll be studying the the book of Proverbs and considering what Solomon, the wisest person who ever lived has to say about these topics.
Whether you think Easter is more about chocolate bunnies and peeps or you’ve been a believer for years, the big idea for this message is that Easter is so much more!
Our stories are powerful, and we're going to look at how we can live a life with a story worth telling.
In this series we’re going to be looking at “Big C Church.” We’ve done a great job over the last several weeks looking at Tab Church. So for the next several weeks, we’re going to look at what God is doing through His church, the universal church, all of us together.